The end of May, I'll be starting as a character designer on Nickelodeon's new show, "El Tigre". Yeaayyyaaa!!!! It's a brand spankin' new cartoon from husband/wife super team, Jorge Gutierrez & Sandra Equihua, and outside of my lame ass, they've put together a really talented crew. I'm super excited at the opportunity to work with such kickass people. Thanks, Jorge!!
So over the next two weeks, I'm packing up, searching for movers, and driving from Chicago to sunny Burbank. If anyone has a recommendation for some great apartment finding services, please drop me an email.
Let the adventure begin!!
Wow, that sounded cheesy.
Nice logo design Steve! I like the orange. :)
Congrats on the new job!!
Way to go, bro! You'll make a big splash at Nickelodeon! The sunny weather should agree with you, too. ;O)
By the way, (small print) nothing wrong with a little cheese!
About damn time! I figured you had to be getting all packed up when your blog "went dark". See you in Burbank, man. (Get used to it-- almost ALL of L.A. animation is in Burbank these days!) Drunken post-it battle to follow!
That's great news, man!
Can't WAIT to see the show...
Good luck!
Yay!! Soon, you and your little family will experience the wonders of Burbank and the Burbank Ikea!!
Congratulations Steve! That's Awesome News!
Congrats! Well-deserved indeed!
WOO-HOO! way to go Steve! Youll have a blast!
CONGRATS! I'm not surprised. You have a terrific style that should be a perfect fit for Nickelodeon.
Congrats dude! looking forward to seeing El Tigre :)
Hey that's cool!!! When will you ever settle down and start a little family, live in a house with a white picket fence :( brings a tear to my eye......
Congratulations Steve! That's really exciting news.
(I'm just some anonymous fan of your work/blog...)
Perfect match. Let the jealousy ensue...
congrats my good friend!! confreakin' grats!!!!
DUDE! Congrats!!! Let me know when you get out here.
they're lucky to have you dude, good luck w/ the move!
Yeah...we all saw this coming!
Congrats man, if you drop me a line I can put you in-touch with a buddy of mine who just moved up that way to work on the Simpsons. He did the whole apartment search and might have a few recommendations.
Well, now that your stinky cheese head is going to be on the West Coast I'm sure that we're bound to meet up sometime.
Congratulations, Steve!
It was only a matter of time, obviously :)
Looking forward to the show!!!
nice one!! good luck!!
Awesome dude! Congrats! With you on board it's sure to rock.
Wow, congrats sir! and yes, horray for the Burbank Ikea!
Congratulations, Steve!! I saw a preview of El Tigre a couple of months ago, and it looks really cool and funny (not to mention right up your alley, design-wise) Have fun and good luck with the move!
Atta Boy Steve!
Don't let it go to your head you fucker....hehehe...I got your brother, I'll hold him for ransom or perhaps some of those little wieners with the batter around them.....hmm.....yum.
All the best man, you're the apple in Nickleodeon's eye!
yer pal, gene.
apartments are sooooo over-rated. i just sleep curled up at the bar. that's the fast track to success. hollywood baby!
Congrats Steve! YOu will love L.A. and never miss another cold Chicago winter. Your talent is a great loss to our company. Good luck at Nick. As far as a good apartment finding service goes, go to http://www.westsiderentals.com
Very helpful resource when I first moved out there. ANyways, work on your tan and enjoy California!
Great news Steve! congrats!
Well done Steve, you deserve it. Have fun in the sun over there in LA.
Congrats Steve.
I second westsiderentals.com - found a nice place in Van Nuys month to month for cheap.
remember to wear sunscreen.
BIG Congrats, Steve!
Congratulations bro, you lucky son of a ...!!!
Congrats Steve!!! That's great news for you. Best of luck. keep in touch and maybe we hang sometimes.
let the adventure begin, indeed, sir lambey! lol! You see, you're so gonna take over the world with your amazing work, just you see!
Congratulations, Steve! Best of luck with everything!
Congrats Steve! Best of luck! Hope to see you down here!
YAY!!! that's awesomeness...have fun.
Steve, such terrific news!
Here's to future fun-filled days,
you deserving fellow, you.
Congratulations Steve, good luck with the new gig!
Congrats! They definitely got the right guy for the job! Look forward to seeing your new stuff!
Now your only 9 hours away! Keep a playa posted with the info.
Way to go, Steve! You are a SUPERSTAR! (and not in the SNL character way...no, you're a Hot Wheels Superstar).
Egads! That's impostor Ward!
hey steve,
thanks so much for stopping by my lil blooog.
i'm still getting the the hang of all this technology stuff, so it's still new.
your work looks great. really fun and charming. great appeal to the characters.
i wish you all the best on "el tigre". i was over there visiting, and it looks like it will be a fun show.
have a great time . . . it's lotsa fun workin' in Burbank.
all the best,
mike . . .
Congrats Steve! You'll soon discover the joys of the Hollywood Bowl, Santa Monica Pier, Magic Mountain (or Disneyland), and Fry's Electronic Store!
Be sure to look up 'La Luz De Jesus' Gallery while you're there.
Have fun!
AHHHHHH I can't believe you put Odourbear! Stop calling me that!!!!!!!!!
Way to go man..your work is really nice! I have the Tinkles cereal box pinned up in my booth at work and everyone gets a good laugh at it when they pay me a visit. keep it up!
Congrats on your new job, that's awesome. I love your stuff and gets a daily giggle over Tinkles, that's hanging up in my pal Bens cubicle.
Good luck with your new gig:)
It's about time, good luck, we all know you'll do a fantastic job!
Congrats again Slammer, much deserved.
That's great news, good luck!!!!!!!
Damn IM gonna miss ya man! I hope a lil of u rubbed off on me, and im not talkin about the time we went to the night club! ewwwwwww
To damn cool man! I should have looked you up last time I was in Chicago. Best of luck!
Congrats man! I can't wait to see your new stuff!!!!!
Congratulations Man!!! u deserve it.
Mondo Congrats Steve!!
Looks like we're both starting new jobs this spring/summer! My hope is that someday one of these job changes will get us working together!
Can't wait to see some of the stuff you rock out of El Tigre!
Enhorabuena, amigo!!!!
ahhh, 365 days of summer spent inside in a dark corner slaving away to entertain us. I thank you Steve. The best of luck out there and congrats again.
oops, don't know why i left that one anon. much love from above.
ah, what the hell is one more congratulations gonna hurt? congrats dude! I can't wait to see what you guys come up with.
Dear Steve,
I miss you so much. The songs. The laughter. The dry humping.
Really man - it still sucks yer gone. I wanna hear about all yer adventures and maybe when my cash flow is in the black we can have a slumber party after San Diego sometime.
"I've got news for you...you suck!"
Yey! Steve! Congrats! I look forward to working with you! El Tigre is gonna RAWk! Woohoo!
Richard J. Daley
Wow! Look at that!! the Mayor even chimed in.
Congrats!! Cant wait to see your work!
congratulations! great work.... i´m startin now with this blogt stuff, and the best part is the people that .... i dont know why i am talkin bout that... anyway. your blog inspire me to make better drawings. thanx.
Hey Lamby,
Long time no chat, looks like your REALLY moving up in the world. I can honestly say out of all the people I attended School with you have to be the most improved. I'm looking at some of your designs and they just blow me away man. Great stuff, this new job is well deserved… you worked hard for it. Blow there socks off man!!! Might as well contact Glenn and get some tips on living in Cali.
Wow, excellent news Steve! Congratulations - your new adventure in SoCal begins.
As an old L.A. guy, I'd say go for "the Westside" so you don't go bonkers just up in the smoggy Valley all the time.
Lots to do in L.A. - hope you have fun!
I know a good apartment finding service... Apartment People here in Chicago... ;P HA!
Scoot those cats aside and save some room on the couch for me.
CONGRATS MAN, can't wait to see it,
Dude, did John K. just diss your work on his blog? I'm not sure myself.. Click the Image Link in the "Comments" section.. Wasn't that Cavegirl pic one of yours?
Congrads man! That sounds like a killer chance to do some really cool stuff. You have to let us know when ther first episode is ready. I will watch that for sure! I always knew you guys would get those killer gigs eventually and I am glad you took the opportunity and went for it! let me know what you been up to man? Also a good place to look for a place to live in cali is craigslist. I found my place there in the bay area. laters...
Rich Vargas-
Congrats Steve! Glad to have finally met the legend!
I will be looking forward to your updates!
Here is my blog for the Graphic Novel I am developing.
Congrats Steve! That's awesome!
That's great! I can't wait to see your work on the show.
Congratulations! :)
(ps-I forget what website I used to find my apt out here but I've heard West Side Rentals is pretty good.)
WOW thas cool its my favourite color... n Viva Mexico!!!
don't see my blogs please
Congratulations Steve!
They are lucky to get you. You have been doing some amazing world class work the past few years. I'm happy for you:)
Egads! I'm late in finding out the news! I've been a bad blogger, I know. Very sorry about that. But, MAN! A gig at Nickelodeon is great! I'm very happy for you. You definitely deserve it, 'O Talented One.
Looking forward to seeing your work on the small screen soon!
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