Sunday, June 11, 2006


So I'm all settled into the new place in Burbank finally. The cross country trip from Chicago to Burbank was gorgeous. It was really cool to watch the landscape go from wide open farmland, to snow capped mountains, to rocky desert, and finally settle into palm trees. Other than one of our cats shredding two chairs in our hotel room in Vegas, the trip went super smooth. Bad kitty!!

Outside of that, the new job has been fantastic. It's great to be part of such a talented crew. Hopefully through the process of osmosis, some of that goodness will rub off on me while I'm there. Ha!

I just got my internet this weekend, so I can start working and posting up some new doodles again. I's been too long.

I also gotta say thanks to everyone who replied in my last post. Your support mean a lot to this lil' "canuck-ian".



Todd Kauffman said...

sweetness - good to hear your back online - lookin forward to some burbank postin.

best of luck with the new job btw

Cedricstudio said...

Congratulations! Glad to have you back on line. Sounds like you'll be soaking up lots of creative sweetness. Can't wait to see the results.

Kevin Mcleod said...

Dig your fireman puppet, glad to here ya made it okay.

Jason C said...

Sounds like a sweet trip Steve.. best of luck!

paublo said...

can't wait to see some new posts.. glad you made it sfe and sound :)

Bob Renzas said...

Welcome home, Steve!
Going to take a drive down to SD this year?

justinpatrickparpan said...

Wow, Nick studios looks like a freakin' amusment park or something. Truly it most be the domain of kings. Nice going sir, hope you enjoy every second of it.

heri said...

Congratulations Steve, I want to see the things your doing at Nick.

ken said...

Lambe in sunnyland!FUn, that puppet is coooool.

boob said...

Fantabulous Steve. The road pics are pretty amazing! Thank Sue for posting! Looking forward to learning all about the inner workings of Nick... ;) Have fun and soak up some sun you ghostly Canadian you!

Bruce Glidewell said...

It's the return of Fire Marshall Bob!
Congratulations again man! Glad to hear you made the trip to California safe and sound. Hope all is going well. I need to get my Lambey fix, you gotta post some sketches soon.

P.S. I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of mohagany.

PEPE said...

that puppet provoked a small tear!! miss you bro!!

Rånny said...

I am really happy to hear you're doing great, Steve! I wish you were working at Nickelodeon earlier--as in January 2004 early--lol cos I went for a portfolio review at that time and got to visit Stephen Silver and it would've been the best to meet you too! Good luck with everything, I know you're gonna kick major butt! C:

K.B. said...

Oh,...i misunderstood. When you told me you were going to go to California and work for 'NICK,....I thought you meant that you were going to work for some DUDE named NICK. You know,,............." Nick's airbrush t-shirts" on the beach or something. Oh well,...this is cool too.

burgerlog said...

jeeeez!!! you made it out west! I hope you find gold. I'm across the brigde at cartoon net.

Ben said...

thats so cool...wish someday i can work also in a cartoon studio :(

Martin Wittig said...

Congrat's on the new gig!! Looking forward to more of your work in the future!:)

Geoff Leonard said...

Hey just wanted to say congrats on the nick job in burbank. My name's Geoff I went to the same college as your little brother Jon. I was a year ahead of him but him and another guy named Bryan honestly had the best art work of thier class. Altho it seem you guys are completely opposite in styles, but you are definately similar in drive.

Shellie K said...

HEy Steve... Thanks so much for the congrats!!!
Yea we just put our son in the middle of all our toys..
Looks just like E.T.

Hope to meet you soon when i go bug Howie and a couple other
friends at Nick...Take Care. And good luck on Jorge's show. HE'S SO AWESOME!
tell him I said "HI"

Craig Mackay said...

can't wait to see more stuff!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you made it out there without incident Steve.

Not sure if you heard, but Em's closed down.

( A moment of silence for all the snack-packs of the past.)

You never know, you may have a fellow Canuck wanting to drop down for a visit some day. Let me know if it's worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

I’ve seen that puppet masturbate himself silly.

Von Kreep said...

Hey Steve! Congrats on the new job and move! I miss Burbank big time, and that's why I'm planning on moving back next year.

Tell Sandra and Jorge I say hell-o!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot!
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