For the
Cereal killers coffee table book.

The idea is based on one of my favorite cereal box characters, Twinkles. If you can find some of these on ebay...BUY EM! They're some of the best cereal boxes ever made, and came with a golden book like story on the back.
Looks awesome babe. Love the colours you choose.
Love you,
I've always wondered who was peeing in my cereal every morning.... and now I know. Fantastic artwork + educational material = winning combination. Great stuff as usual you big cereal spoof artist you!
haha nice job and great idea steve.
OMG, this is hi-larious!!! Nice one Steve!
is this part of the cereal killers book steve-i tried to look for the link-but fluffed it..(the english use of fluff that is..)(!)-i will mail you larger images of my boxes-
send me your address to
Tinkles? Sounds like pee, I wouldn't eat it.
I'm impressed by the "no hands" stance he's opted for. Hilarious!
Wow. Never ceases to amaze! Fantastic colors and design Steve!
I hafta agree Babe - the colors are sweet here.
I love that his "bits" are hanging over the edge of the bowl. This book is gonna rock hard.
LOL love the little wee wee hangin over into the bowl! LOL even though i think its placement is a little to much in the belly region its still hilarious!
FUCKING HILARIOUS MAN. Beautifully handled too. What can I say man . . .. masterful.
holy crap... incredibly funny idea and cool designs
Talk about yer sweet 'n' salty combos... Great stuff!
Wish I'd gotten back to Von Kreep sooner... mighta missed tha boat on that book.
So funny. I love how his ball-sack is perched over the edge of the bowl!
Great stuff! Nice mixture of techniques!
That's so awesome, I want to tear mine up now!
ha ha ha haha ha ha ha!!!!
Keepin' it above the rim. You never cease to amaze me. I saw this to or three times before I caught what was going on. Wonderful!
This is gross Steve. Good job!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Tinkles! What a brilliant idea... well executed! great job!
This is friken awesome dude!!!! I love the textures and I love elephants willies (I also love lamp)!!!
At first I was all like "CUUUTTTTEEE!!!", then I saw his pee pee, and it more like "Ewwwwwww, he's PEEING on the cereal!" Bad elephant!
Mmm, now with magical urine!
Excellent all around. Love the desat colors, the elephant shapes and the kid designs.
By the power of Greyskull!!
Pippy? Most of the lady folk think...He-Man. He-Man,as in Master of the Universe HE-MAN! You best reconize foo.
Really nice piece here Steve! Very clever idea.
great....really great.....the whole Blog is great, That's not just the bowls of Twinkles talkin' either.
Awesome Steve. I too am a big fan of Twinkles! And Tinkles joins the ranks! I love Tinkles! And tinkling!
Everyone make fantastic work with the Cereal Killers box, can´t show my work because it looks bad.T-T
sweet i'm in awe and disgusted at the same time, awesome.
thats great Steve
340 grams but how many liters?? outstanding!!!
I'm sure the creator of Twinkles is sending a hit out on you this moment.
Great work on maintaining simalar elements between both products.
really good idea!
That is terrific!!!
Enjoyed a lot!
And now, stitched into my psyche is an elephant cumming into a cereal bowl. Thanks for the images, Steve.
JK, man. Love this!
Nothing says “breakfast” quite like an elephant scrotum flopped into a bowl of sugary cereal. But the real coup de grace is the look of wonderment on the children’s faces!
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