Friday, December 02, 2005

And now for something completely different...

A recent freelance assignment. Not my regular stuff, and definitely not my strong suit. Pays the bills though ;)


2depaus said...

It looks cool, even without your trademark (and awesome) textures. The spider creatures look really great, specially with the effect the glowing eyes give.

What is this for, or is it classified at the moment?


Jeremiah Alcorn said...

What the crap is this?! and where are the textures?!! :)... No seriously man, this is nice, especially for something that's not your "strongsuit". I think it's engaging, dynamic, and eye catching and lets face it, you can't go wrong with huge spiderish monsters with red glowing eyes. I'd run away and then feel ashamed about it later. Peace!

onemanpunkband said...

thats great steve!!

Chris Battle said...

Always good to mix it up a little, I say. Looks good!

PotatoFarmGirl said...

Yay new stuffs! I like the spiders, I hope they eat the people. Go spiders!

Heath said...

I like the angle and lighting in the scene. Maybe it needs to be pushed more with the foreground being darker to focus the attention to the spiders. Ohh and maybe parts of the wall is coming at them, like BAMM! A BUNCH OF BUGS HAVE COME TO TAKE AWAY YOU GUYS' HOT CHICK...or something like that. Nice Steve!

Edward said...

Beautiful Composition! Not your strong suit?! Thats a pile of horse apples! Nice Job, Steve.

Dan Segarra said...

Great angle Steve!! Nice little change here. ;)
Inspirational man!

Anonymous said...

Wow Steve! How dynamic! It feels so different from what you usually do but man, the quality is never any less!


Ridd Sorensen said...

actually, it's nice to see a fresh take on the action/adventure genre. good job!

RÃ¥nny said...

Oh goodness, Mr. Lambey! Everythings your strong suit! STRONG TO THE MAX! lolz. This is beautiful! Hope everythings been ace with you! :^)

Sumeet Surve said...

Steve looks very cool. Like the composition of the characters and the angle. Here is my drool, double of 'urs.

Bruce Glidewell said...

Yo steve-o, Really cool stuff, great composition, I really like the low eye level. Nice color choices too especially regarding the subtle greenish light fading down the wall, really makes those glowing red eyes pop. Me likey.

word to yo mutha.

Gerald de Dios said...

That is one sick illustration! Looks like a comic cover. I really dig the overall style and color palette.

Patrick Morgan said...

Beautiful work. Solid thru and thru.

Darryl Young said...

It's the Ghost of Picture Critique Past and I say "poppy-cock and bawlder-dash!!!!!!"
Good Stuff!

Your Humble Admirer,

Unknown said...

Really good artwork! But I make me imagine what happened to things come up like this to the guys with the bug... crazy... Congratulions