This was a bg concept for my friend, Sean Scott. He's got this great show he's pitching called "Jimmy Two Shoes", and he asked me to give him a hand. The location is hell...on the right is the devil's place, and the left is his super annoyingly happy neighbour, Jimmy.
Digital Layout.
Aw yes, the neighbor of the beast. Very nice.
very funny
I like that the devil has got a modern pad!
Thats pretty tight lambey, I like the love smoke from the chimeney! (sorry for that spelling mistake)
Dig the claw hand trees. Love the liney sorta lighting on the edge of skull manor. Maybe Satan's house could be a bit more scary - maybe darker colours (sp intentional...) or harder angles but it all works great in this illo. FUN stuff with a capital F-U-N!
Lovin Satans car
wow! that looks great!
The "hand" trees are a nice touch.
I love the colour palette you chose, Steve! I also like the hand trees as well! Great designs, very fun indeed!
Very cool! I love Satan's car and the heart shaped smoke coming out of the chimney. Great colors too!
I kinda like how Satan's house is creepy...but in a subtle way with shapes and lines. Feels very "laid back"...once the soul-harvesting work is done Satan likes to kick back and relax. Awesome stuff!
This is awesome!! Love the design!! Great work!
Another inspiring BG.
I first saw Satan's house as some sort of new iPod - Hey are you trying to tell us something? ;)
I hope this cartoon turns out like "Neighbors" with John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd.
Great idea and fun, clever execution. I want to see this show. ( I like that Satan's house is yuppie modern.) I'm sure Satan has alot of backyard barbecues. Great stuff Steven.
and the bat beast car! really great piece Steve!
tight, steve.That show sounds neato.this reminds me of the mary blair little blue house concepts,with jimmy's house smiling, and a wee bit of mario 3 with that hill there.If you put a bare patch of grass around satan's house, it would reinforce the rising from the grave look.("How does jimmy get his lawn so green in this heat?! graahhh!!")If ol' satan had a rooftop BBQ it could have a bowler hat shape heheh..
oh god, steve! this is orgasmic! lol. what a splendid piece, great contrast between colour and cuteness/darkness. soupacool! :^)
thats really cool! nice colors and really inventive use of shapes. great work!
Right-on Steve! This background layout rocks. Nice to see ya back on the blogs. Hey, just read that Ami Yumi will start airing Japan soon. Before you know it, they may see your designs on the other side of the world - how cool is that?
Hell looks a little bit different than that from my understanding.
Have a great day!
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