Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Wonder city

I was recently asked to do a pinup for a european graphic novel called "Wondercity". Dont think it's in print yet, but there's some samples up here . It looks fantastic. Well worth checking out!

Anyhow, here's what I came up with tonight. Hope you all like!!


Fulton Beal said...

Fabulous. Love the texture on the boat, and the red haired kid. He reminds me a little of this kid that was at my son's practice the other day. I decided to bring along my sketchbook, and couldnt help but notice how interested this fellow was in watching me sketch, and how determined he was to try to make sure I didn't catch him watching. Don't know how that really relates to the pic, but just the same, great stuff sir Lambey.

MikeS said...

Really great illustration, Steve! I just love the design of the kids! That green water is just great!

Drazen said...

LOvely piece, great colours and cute as heck!

Jon McNally said...

Love the children's book layout and that robot head is charmingly rendered. Great work, Steve.

RAY DILLON said...

Hey, I just saw a pin-up for this on Mike Weiringo's blog. Great stuff. I really hope it comes to America.

And, I love your style on this. Looks great!

Jav said...

Nice stuff Steve-O!
Good take..... You really nailed the Golden Books feel....
Thanks for for the link to my blog!
I guess Canadians arent so bad after all!
But 'cha still smell funny...

Joel said...

Nice sketch man. Ren, Jason Condon, and myself have all started blogs as well as a challenge for daily art posts. You up to the challenge ol Lambey!!

TANYA LYON said...

Beautiful illustration! I especialy like your choice of colors!

once again: good work!

test said...

That's totally awesome,my man.
Thx for the links as well!

Tere said...

Wow, your work is really great! I'm glad to see you're getting lots of good comments on your blog. Keep posting!


Jeremy Bernstein said...

Nice! That Robot is kick about it is kick ass! Hooray!

Dan Bob said...

Really nice! Is this all hand painted?

Unknown said...

Yr stuff keeps getting better and better Steve! Yr blog is great!!

Anonymous said...

robots rule. so do you Steve! great stuff.

Gerald de Dios said...

Just like the books I grew up reading...Classics! I love it. Your style is amazing. I'm just experimenting with the photoshop brushes and having a terrible time. Other artist tell me to try painter...I just may. As for Wonder City, have you heard of any release date? Just from the front covers and teaster pages, I'm, hooked. Will your design be a variant cover for one of the issues? How cool is that?!

wonderful woman said...

the colours are absolutely stunning. incredibly evocative of the best vintage. stunning.