Monday, September 15, 2008

For Ahmed...

The bane of every layout artist is the time consuming crowd scene. It usually involves taking a huge number of characters and jigsaw puzzling it together in such a way that it's pleasing to the eye.

Luckily we didn't have a lot of crowd scenes on Tigre, so when this scene from Ricky Garduno's board came across my desk, I eagerly accepted the challenge. This was the final episode of El Tigre, so everyone was going all out to make it special. Especially Ricky. He made sure to include every Tigre villian that had ever appeared on the show in one giant villian pile. I still love you, Ricky but my drawing paw wanted to stab you in the jaw. Hope I done you proud!

Board Panel:

Rough sketch in Flash :
Final (cleanup by Mighty Miah Alcorn, paints by me):


Jorge R. Gutierrez said...

You're the man now dog!

monkeyfeather said...


RAWLS said...

Uhhhhm... Slambo?... I don't think there is enough detail in there. Could you please add some more!?!

roque said...

My eye just blew a gasket.

Mukpuddy said...

That is quite a pile up!! Awesome job though dude, I'm not suprised it hurt you!!

Jorge R. Gutierrez said...

Take it like a man!

Colin Jack said...


wolfboy said...

Dude; you're such a good painter!

Unknown said...


Sean Szeles said...

wait, since when is Fred a villain?

mahmood mokhtari said...


Tara Billinger said...

That episode had everything, this is a magnificent piece. Props to you and everyone who worked on the show for making such a glorious work of art.

Ahmed GUERROUACHE said...

yeah ! haha ! you did a new post and dedicated to me ! great that you make my wish come true !
Now , I have 2 wishes left.... mmmmhhh ....

Dee said...

haha..dude, it looked awesome in the shot last night. ;)
Great stuff! *tear

Unknown said...


Chris Battle said...

I can totally see all 6 of the penises you hid in there.

Unknown said...

cool! very nice. Lots of awesome work you have here.

Owen Flanagan said...

Absolutely excellent! the villains on el tigre were awesome i love the knocked out teeth tops it off nicely.

jason hickman said...

crowd scenes are the worst...awesome job!!!

Oscar Rosales said...

Wow! That's really awesome!

Chris Garbutt said...

Love it!

paublo said...

this just blew my mind.
*thanx for the comments bud...the lil pink haired gal you liked was a total lamby inspired design ;)

Gulzar said...

Phew~ did you leave anything? lol!

this is amazing man! really! wicked!

Matt Shepherd said...

holy shit! this is nuts, looks like ALOT of work went into this, looks wicked!

Anonymous said...
