Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Day of the Dead pics

The uber talented ,Mr. Chris Battle ,has posted some pics from the "Day of the Dead" show a few weeks ago. Drop by his blog and leave him comments about how Nintento is for sissy faces and nerd-lingers.


wolfboy said...

oh man; sorry I missed the opening. Stuff looks beautiful--will have to go sooner than later.

Chris Battle said...

"sissy faces and nerd-lingers"...?

Does this mean we're not camping out in front of BEST BUY for Wii Launch day? I am SO taking you off my MySpace "friends" list.

boob said...

Call me what you will - I'll be in front of my Toys R Us this Sunday. Don't come crying to me when you can't make Mario butt stomp with a flick of the wrist...

Jay D Smith said...

im not sure what a nerd-linger is??

Señor Chips said...

the only sissy faced nerd linger i see around here is you, pal! (as i comment using the internet on my psp already in line at the burbank best buy). sorry i missed you at the show, i hung out in front of your pieces the whole night too!

Martin Hsu said...

good show steve! your pieces were really strong!

Dee said...


Jo Bling said...

From a UK based character designer to a US based character designer - top stuff sir and that show looks like it was great. Found my way here via the magic internet monkey who sails by the name of Chris Battle. Great artwork, Steve. Consider me a fan :-)

Anonymous said...

TOO bad we coudn't be there with you
dorks !!! Chris Battle totally included ( I think he's the leader)