Ever since discovering Mel's work over on Shane Gline's Cartoon Retro, I've been scouring Ebay for more. Some of his best work are golden books with the early Flintstones, Twinkles the Elelphant, and Rootie Kazootie. A few weeks back, I came across this rare beauty...a golden book calender. It's so gorgeous that I just had to scan it for everyone's enjoyment. Hope you all like it as much as I have!

Great find Steve. Thanks for sharing!
Very kind and generous of you to share these! Beautiful.
thanks lambey!!! yeehaw!
i love mel crawford-i believe he was the illustrator for twinkles the elephant for general mills-i have an inkling he had something to do with the original tony tiger in print..great post-thanks for these!
i love this guys work... it's so nastalgic. It's an inspiration even til this day.
nice stuff.
Thanks for sharing these!! :) They are inspiring indeed!
YEY! I love these! i would frame each one and make a calendar wall! Thanks for the inspiring work! Thanks also for the lovely comments! I will bring them in sometime for you to see.
Tell Su, she can eat all the manta ray's she wants, cuz they scare meeeee....brrrrr...;)
Thanks for posting these! I am printing them out for my cube tomorrow. YAY!
Wow! These are great! Thanks for posting them!:o)
Thanks for posting this treasure Steve. ( 1969,..my birth year.)
Hey Steve,
Nice find! these are keepers. Craig is still here, hes running the full-time program now. He mentioned knowing you... small world eh.
Thanks for sharing! I love all the little details he adds into his illustrations! Is it just me or does his work remind you a little of Richard Scarry's older stuff? Anywho Thanks again!
too great steve - cool to see stuff that inspires you;)
Thanks for sharing these illustrations, they're amazing! I can see how they've inspired the evolution of your personal design style.
classic! Thanks for sharing Steve.
Sweet hook up bro!!! hope all is well!!
pretty neat
(in a non sarcastic way)
Holy cow! Great site, great work--thank you for being the first and only person to view and post on mine! You are an incredible talent Steve!! Andy S.
Holy cow, Steve! Great materials, great site with such great work! You are a huge talent. Thanks for being the first and only person to comment on my new, baby-site.
Andy S.
I really dig the halloween piece.
I have a Hanna Barbera stamp book from the sixties illustrated by Hawley Pratt,Al White and Ben De Nunez which reminds me of this.
All the stamps are rectangular,simular to some of your color illustrations.
P.S. Your Tinkles box is my favorite!
man - mel crawford is a genius - i've never seen this bit of painting by him - thansk for sharing it so completely!!! you rule! i thought i had everything by MC except for his stamps but i was wrong again!
Your work is amazing, love the robo hamster idea. I was just going to post on that when I saw these calendar images. Thank you SO much for sharing!!
Holy crap! Thanks for scanning these! These are great!!!!!!!!
Hi I was born in 1969 ;-))
David (BCN)
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