Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Willy Wonkas

One of the recent assignments I had for Renegade was to do a redesign of Willy Wonka. Something not too nutty, but different. I only had a day to do it , but in the end it turned out to be a lot more fun than I expected.

After showing Miah the sketches, we started talking about these really crazy ideas, and figured it be hellacool if we took the concept and really have some fun with it. Did something much more pushed and zany than my original sketches. Anyhow weeks later, and I have a couple of scribbled out ideas so far but nothing as solid as Miah's fantastic new post over on his blog. A pox upon his super speedy drawing goodness!! In the meantime, here's some of those Renegade concepts.


Todd Oman said...

These are great!

Jeremiah Alcorn said...

Your sketches put me to shame ya big Jerk you! For whatever reason the guy in the middle to the right is my favorite. Of course, who wouldn't like a guy that can make candy appear out of thin air. He has life of the party written all over 'im. Great stuff sir!

Benjamin Arcand said...


Brian Growe said...

Those are awesome! Cool sketches!

Tyler said...

A "W" monogramed hats off to you sir on some fine drawings. Pure gold.

ken said...

these are cool steve. i love cartoons. wicked stuff

Bruno Werneck said...

Steve dude,
I really really really
like these designs!

and I really really mean it :)

R.A. MacNeil said...

Nice stuff man!


Unknown said...

man those are good, i love your designs as always.

Martin Wittig said...

Cool sketches man!!

CarolineJarvis said...

Great designs! Loads of energy! Love your stuff man.... keep em comin!


Ryan Bullard said...

These are frickin great!

james_william_walsh said...

good job steve, i was gonna say these were sweet, but i think i'll avoid that all together. they are very very nice drawings.

Scott Tolleson said...

Steve these are great! I can't decide which one is my favorite. I would LOVE to see you design all the kids too.

The Tale Tales of the Wayfarer said...

Great stuff,

Eren said...

Oooh very nice designs.

Unknown said...

Those wonkas are fantastic.
I love your work!!!!

please check out my blog at


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