Sunday, December 04, 2005


Anyone want some cookies? No? Some mail perhaps? Suit yourself then.


Anonymous said...

These are soooo cute, I especially love the one in the middle. Great job babe.

Love you,


onemanpunkband said...

those are great! so cute.

james_william_walsh said...

right on!
looks great steve..
are ya gonna colour them???
cant wait to see

paublo said...

Great designs Steve...more!more!

Anonymous said...

that middle one looks like from hamtaroooo!!! fuzzy goodness!

Unknown said...

very cool character design!

JOSE LOPEZ said...

great shapes!! love your designs.


Unknown said...

You are a genius!

Patrick Morgan said...

Really nice! What more is there to say.

Jay D Smith said...

heh, cute!

monkeyfeather said...

Those hamsters are great, love the designs. I like the photos of your cat as well, looks like it's waiting for the mothership to beam it up.

j. said...

Those are too cute!
No, I mean it. They're TOO cute. I'm having a diabetic seizure! You cutsie-pie cartoonists make me sick.


Anne-arky said...

Did you also do Ami and Yumi as hampsters? I think I saw them floating around Renegade...

These are so cute! My facourite is the mailman hampster :P

Unknown said...

these are adorable and fantastic. I could see these as little collectable figurines

wonderful woman said...

could i get some kind of cookie-mail combo? like a sandwich of some sort? hold the mayo

Mark McDonnell said...

Nice . . .


Anonymous said...

Hey Lambey!

I've always loved your work! I came across your blog from your old website. Ironically, from the Mr.Biggelsworth flash anim you did.

This stuff is all wonderful! keep it up!