The Rhinoodle: Give this part Rhino, part poodle a scratch behind his horn..he loves it!

Commentary? These came out ok. I think I'm most happy with the background on the rhinoodle illo. The rest is mediocre. I may have gone a little too crazy with the orange in the second one. Those mice certainly do pop though..heh heh.
Hey Steve, the background treatment on the first one is
fantastic and I likes it more than the second.Nice ones!
I'll second that. I really like the second one. Great perspective, color and characters. Good job.
I like them both as well. The second one needs a touch more contrast between the Purrtle and the background to make it pop like the mice.
Great work though. I love the forest and cute kids in the first one.
Hey Steve! Awesome stuff! I love the designs. What's your process on making these?
Good grief, Steve, you seem to me a creative locomotive. There's no stopping you! These are very clever. Hope you have a splendid weekend.
I think these look really good! And yes those mice sure do pop.
love that second one! good use of colours!!
I like those very much Steve! very very nice!
These are awesome!! Great design & color ...
Hi Steve, love your stuff, all of it! Beautiful work.
Nice stuff steve. Makes me want to create more.
hats off,
Uncle Phil
Hot Dang!
While I like both of them, I do have a preference for the first one too! Beautiful colour palette and great design in both!
Looking forward to more goodies from yeah!
Love the colors and backgrounds!!
I have linked your blog in mine, I hope you don´t mind.If there is a problem just let me know.
i really like the bg in the first one. cool eyes on the characters too.
It's IMPOSSSIBLE to have too much orange. I especially love the mice in the Purrtle pic. Nice!
They are both great but my choice is the first one, all characters and the background is fantastic.
oh. i want a rhinoodle. i want one NOW.
great idea. freak animal combos. that could go on all night.
I love your color choices!
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