Wednesday, March 14, 2007

More stuffs...

Sick of the Tigre stuff yet? I'll post up these few and then it's back to my personal stuff. I've got some 8 Bit stuff to show soon.

In the meantime, here's one of the shots from the opening of the show. It's a Gabe\Steve combo. Basically I drew the first pass, ruined it and Gabe fixed it with his magic. Luckily I get to make up for my suckiness with digi-paint.

A villain pan I did for "Sole of a Hero". Storyboard by Fred Gonzales.

And finally some of the gross out shots from "Night of the Living Guacamole". I made pretty colors on top of Fred Osmond's awesome drawings. Boulder also did a real cool job of animating the eyes and mouth on top of the images in flash.

So despite what I'm showing so far, very little of my time on the show is spent painting. I'd say about 90.345% of my time is spent on design and posing. One of the biggest benefits of my job is the people I get to train with. On one side, I have the great Gabe Swarr supervising my poses, and on the other, the amazing Jorge Gutierrez going over my designs. Lots of learnin' to be had each day!

Here's some stuff from the earlier episodes:

The idea for the horse came from Chuck Jones fat horse Bugs rides in "What's Opera, Doc". His legs were lengthened later to make the hooves more threatening.

Here's a giant rock monster from "Sole of a Hero". Unfortunately he got cut because of time.

One of Frida's dad's guard dogs from "Enter the Cuervo". I thought it came out pretty cool till I had to pose him out a lot.

And finally a few of the poses I actually liked. This was during the time we were switching from pencil and paper to drawing directly into flash with the cintiq. Very rusty babysteps.


Stanley Thunderbeard said...

great stuff steve. Love the villain pan. A couple of those guy look very aardman. And those quacolours are amazing!

Can't wait to see more!

Mukpuddy said...

Holy crap dude, this stuff is all awesome!!!
Gutted the rock monster got cut, he's really cool!!
That first pic is freakin rad too, the monster "up-shot".... love it!!!


Chris Battle said...


Bruce said...

Dude this is awesome. All of the villains are super dope. Man, so much cool stuff in one post, you gotta give it to me in short bursts...I almost wet myself.

Jeremiah Alcorn said...

I unfortunately did wet myself... too much goodness to take at one time.

Dan Bob said...

really great stuff! Looks like you are having fun over there.

Gene Fowler said...

you don't suck Steve.
new wallpaper.

Mick said...

sweet tall pan up monster there.
sure sure yeah yeah

Matt Jones said...

Terrific artwork Steve, especially the PAN images. Great lookin' show - original style.

Heath said...

All kinds of goods stuff in this post, Steve. Very cool villian pan image! Just perfect!!

You may get another friend myspace invite- I accidently nuked half my friends.

geenpool said...

awesome stuff mange.feckin' loooove the rock monster. you don't suck...

Milenko said...

It's good! it's very very good!

I am glad I found your blog.



Dee said...

Waa Waaa Weeee Waaa....very cool my friend! the bandido lineup is my fave! ;)
HOW can u say that you suck??? Shut it! or I will have Fred cardboard your cube again! teeheee....

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve,

I think the show will be a great success, the art looks awesome. I am so proud of you.

Love you,


K.B. said...

SONOFFFABEAAACCHHHHHHHHH !!!!! Damn boy. Just when i thought you we're at the top of your game, go and climb higher. Your painting has jumped about ten notches my friend. Always good with the pallettes and textures but these are an all time high. Fantastico as El Tigre might say.

chris chua said...

wow...crazy good stuff here! I love that crazy multi-field zip pan on top the best! Keep em coming!

Darryl Young said...

Show looks awesome Steve! I knew these felt "Lambey" when I saw them on screen, .....should have known! Gorgeous stuff dude-ski!

Puga Vida said...

I love that show!! i already bought the whole season on itunes!!! Oh and your the shit Steve!!! Hopefully one day I'll get to work with you~! (in my dreams) aight keep up the amazing work!!!

murrayb said...

holy crap, that stuff is all great!! eye candy everywhere.that villian pan is my new desktop BG.

Unknown said...

I really liked the bubbles in Grampa's beard on the sick painting. That was one of the best takeaway images from that episode. It's cool that you were a part of it!

PotatoFarmGirl said...

Super special magic sparkle Lambey digi-paint attack GO!!!!!
(you have to say that everytime they give you a color assignment at work)

Anonymous said...

Hey steve

I'd like to include some of your work in my book BEYOND TRENDS, being published this year by HOW Books, f&W pubs, (they do HOW magazine, Print magazine, ID MAg, blah blah blah). Anyway, only cool shit is goin in it, and I was wondering if you would be interested in sending along some work? My day job is as creative director/futurist at Hasbro. You can reach me at



Jo Bling said...

Top stuff as ever, Steve. Envious you get clearance to show this stuff on your blog - I'm having a 'mare trying to post my Frankenstein's Cat production art :-/

Laura A. Dalesandro said...

Wow! Great work!

Alan said...

Great stuff man. When I first saw the pilot way back when I knew El Tigre would rule the cartoon world!

Unknown said...

THese are super awesome!! Especially love the layout design of the top piece!!


Georgous , stuff man.I love that villain pan so much. And yeah , Having some sort of Design assignment that a bunch of people could do at the same time would be rad.Infact right after that Cal Arts class, a few of us started talking about what themes could be next. I'll let you know when we get going for sure.It could turn into a blog.

monkeyfeather said...

These are GREAT Steve. Good to hear Nick is going so well for you!


Arree Chung said...

great work steve. i know you don't get to paint all that much but you have great colors!

boob said...

Super cool man! Haven't been by here in a while. Shame about the rock monster. I hope he winds up somewhere.

I haven't missed a show yet! It's been great to see the development on some of the blogs out there.

PEPE said...

Sooo friggin sweet!!u brilliant bastard!!

Shellie K said...

Isnt flash a BITCH to draw in...ahahahha
I love these. have a good trip. see ya next week !

Craig Mackay said...

Aww man! So rad. Thank you for posting these. I'm pulling an all nighter and I really needed to be inspired.

Jay D Smith said...


Jeff Agala said...

wow these are amazing!!! sounds like an awesome job

CarolineJarvis said...

Your stuff's a riot steve... I especially love the guacamoly stuff.... Nice work!

Benjamin Arcand said...

I really dig the "zip-pan" pic!

rose-a-petits-pois said...

The guacamole illustrations are just so great! Funny and colorful :-)

Lord Grimthorn said...

You've got to spread these posts out here, Steve. Too much eye candy!

Seppo said...

The colors and painting style are really nice. Great work!

wolfboy said...

yeah; a LITTLE sick of el tigre...(just kidding, Jorge!) These are sick good, man!

Freshyfresh said...

The artwork is great, especially the colored ones!!!
I hope you make a colored version of the police dog! I love him!=)

John S. said...

Awesome stuff Steve!

Catherine Satrun said...

WOW! GREAT designs! I love the colors and textures. Can't wait to see more of your work!!

kaNO! said...

what a monster post, great work man.

Unknown said...

Rieut naon deui ngomentaran na, da kieu kieu keneh maksudna mah, nyampah hungkul, bari teu naek" tea geningan, kalah pusing pala barbie wen kieu terus mah..

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